Our Governance

Oakland Unity Middle School is operated by Unity Schools, a 501(c)(3) California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation. Unity Schools is governed by its Board of Directors in accordance with Unity Schools Bylaws.

The Unity Schools Board is composed of a broad cross-section of professionals with the skills necessary to appropriately oversee the operation of the school. Members are nominated by Unity Schools stake-holders and elected to the board by a majority vote of the serving board members. The Unity Schools Board establishes and approves all major educational and operational policies, approves all major contracts, and approves the school’s annual budget.

Meetings of the Unity Board of Directors are open to the public. All meeting notices and agendas are posted 72 hours in advance of the meetings at the school entrance and here. Opportunity for public comment is scheduled early on the agenda. Parents and community members are asked to keep their statements to three minutes or less. Unless otherwise notified, regular meetings of the Board are held on the second Wednesday of every month at Oakland Unity High School. All Board Meeting minutes are recorded and available here.