Our Program

What We Do

SHARP - OUMSOakland Unity Middle School uses four learner-centered strategies to achieve our goals of closing the achievement gap and teaching and encouraging students to learn how to learn. We leverage technology to individualize and differentiate instruction whenever possible. When this strategy is fully realized, every discipline will have an element of personalization with student choice about what to work on, and when or how to work on it.

Our teachers routinely make use of small-group instruction to tailor instruction. These small groups are based on student data gathered from the use of our various technology platforms, formative assessment results, student observations, and student conferencing. Our students and teachers curate learner profiles, which students not only present to their families at our twice-yearly student-led conferences, but also utilize on an ongoing basis throughout the school year to make choices about what goals they are going to set over a variety of time periods. These learner profiles give students ownership of their own data, goals, and growth.

Finally, students will have evidence in their learner profiles of the authentic work that they’ve completed through project-infused learning. These projects give students opportunities to apply the skills that they learn using our online platforms and bolster through small-group instruction. These projects also allow students to demonstrate their SHARP Habits and continue to grow as collaborators. When fully realized, these projects are interdisciplinary and are a means for our students to engage with the community.

After-School Program

OUMS operates an extensive after-school program for all our students. Both academic enrichment and recreation activities are offered.

Special Education

Unity Schools (Oakland Unity High School and Oakland Unity Middle School) offers special education services to all students, regardless of disability, through a continuum of services designed to meet each student’s individual needs. This program is possible in partnership with the Sonoma County Charter SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area). At Unity, the IEP team determines student needs, services, and placement based on each child’s unique circumstances. As a part of Unity continuum of services, Unity offers an inclusion and Resource program designed to maximize participation in general education with supports and services appropriate for individual students based on their IEP. Students with IEPs also receive additional appropriate special education services as outlined in their IEP from qualified special education staff and/or licensed service providers. IEP meetings are held annually and as needed to review progress and incorporate family and parent perspectives. Unity complies with all applicable laws and regulations under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and the California Education Code Section 220.

Unity implements school wide Child Find processes, including the Student Study Team (SST), in order to identify students with special needs or learning disabilities. School staff work with families through small team meetings to develop a support plan to assist academically struggling students through focused action plans, and SST teams create and implement strategies and supports to address academic needs, incorporating additional opportunities for academic support during and/or after the school day. When appropriate, Unity conducts psycho-educational testing and/or any other appropriate assessments in all areas of suspected disability, in order to determine if students qualify for special education services under IDEA.

Unity welcomes students who require support through a 504 Plan, which is separate from Special Education. Students with a 504 Plan are provided with accommodations that allow access to the general education curriculum without the need of an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Unity holds annual meetings, which include parent/guardian and teachers, to review and revise 504 plans as needed. Unity complies with all applicable laws and regulations under section 504 of the American Rehabilitation Act of 1973.